March 19, 2014

The Annual Meeting of Mormon Scholars in the Humanities

The annual meeting of the Mormon Scholars in the Humanities was held on March 27-29, 2014, at the Claremont Colleges in Claremont, California. Presenters addressed the significance of narratives in the Mormon tradition from a variety of perspectives.

The keynote speaker was Richard Kearney, the Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College. A number of notable Mormon scholars made presentations, including Alan Goff, Kristine Haglund, Brian Hauglid, and Robert Rees. In addition, many of the students in the Claremont Mormon Studies program will also present.

A list of the sessions, presenters and topics is here: 2014 MSH Final Program.

Here are some photos beginning with Alan Goff’s presentation during the opening session of the conference on Thursday evening, March 27. You may also wish to visit the Mormon Scholars in the Humanities website at

Students from the Claremont Mormon Studies Student Association also presented at the conference.

The conference flyer highlighted Dr. Richard Kearney, Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College, who presented the keynote address to conclude the conference.

