Season 2 Introduction

Welcome to Season 2!
Like the first season, the podcast will share the stories and voices of Latter-day Saints from around the world as they discuss their hopes and fears, their sorrows and joys, and the way their faith informs their daily lives. Again, we’ll be joined by scholars and other community members who offer insight and explore questions that arise along the way.
This season, however, is different from the first because this seasons’ episodes are hosted by graduate students from Claremont Graduate University. These students each researched, wrote, and edited an episode, which means that every episode has a different flavor, focus, and energy. I think the stories they highlight—most of which were contributed to CGU’s oral history collections—are fascinating, as are the insightful conversations the hosts have with scholars as they together unpack the themes that arose in each of the interviews. I hope you’ll join us for this second season. Subscribe wherever you find your podcasts.