Annual Mormon Studies Conference: Indigenous Perspectives on the Meaning of “Lamanite”

Saturday, April 29, 2023 | 9:30 AM – 5:45 PM
Location | Albrecht Auditorium
Claremont Graduate University
Armando Solórzano, “Who is a Lamanite, Anyway? Latinx Interpretations of the Term, its Impact, and Reformulation”
Arcia Tecun/Daniel Hernandez, “Contested Curses and Shared Birthrights: A Messy Reflection on the Imagined Global Lamanite”
Ah-in-nist Sipes, “Why Latinx Are Lamanites” (Comment)
S. Ata Siulua, “Withering as a Rose: Tongan Indigeneity, Mormonism and the Curse of the Lamanites”
Cynthia Connell, “Rosarium: Reflections on Roses Blossoming as Lamanites”
Stephanie Griswold, Comment
Eduardo Obregón Pagán, “A Decolonial Reading of the Book of Mormon: Sociopolitical Under-Currents in the Book of Mormon World”
Farina King, “Lamanite Generations at BYU in the Late Twentieth Century”
Angelo Baca, Comment
Robert Joseph on Lamanite identity in a Māori context
Sarah Newcomb, “Remembering Our Ancestors: Seccunup”
Tēvita O. Ka’ili, Comment
Part 1 of Michael Kaulana Ing’s keynote presentation, “‘E Hana i Kanaka’ (Let’s Make Humanity): Hawaiian Syncretisms of the Biblical Creation”
Part 2 of Michael Kaulana Ing’s keynote presentation, “‘E Hana i Kanaka’ (Let’s Make Humanity): Hawaiian Syncretisms of the Biblical Creation”