March 12, 2015
CMS 2015 Spring Conference: Community, Authority, and Identity
February 9, 2015
Dr. David Hall Lecture Feb. 9, 2009: “Through a Different Glass…”
February 1, 2015
Patrick Mason: Deseret News Op-Ed Article
January 28, 2015
Patrick Mason in the News: AirTalk, Gay Rights Shift
January 15, 2015
Neylan McBaine: “From Football to Primary Songs: Gender in the Church Today”
January 10, 2015
Patrick Mason in SL Tribune re: Private Church Documents
January 9, 2015
Patrick Mason on Reddit
December 4, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: RadioWest KUER “The LDS Church and Joseph Smith’s Polygamy”
October 27, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: AirTalk “Mormon Church Discloses Joseph Smith’s Polygamy”
October 25, 2014