Lecture: American Universities and the Birth of Modern Mormonism

Guest Speaker: Thomas Simpson
September 28, 2017
7:30pm – 9:00pm
Albrecht Auditorium | Stauffer Hall of Learning
925 N. Dartmouth Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
Sponsored by the CGU Mormon Studies Council, CGU School of Arts & Humanities, and John A. Widtsoe Foundation.
Admission: Free
In the late nineteenth century, college-age Latter-day Saints began leaving Utah to enroll in some of the nation’s elite universities, including Harvard, Columbia, Michigan, Chicago, and Stanford. This academic migration of hundreds of students from the 1860s through the 1930s left an indelible mark on the religion and played a significant role in aligning Mormonism with modern America. The book upon which this lecture is based recently won the Best Book Award from the Mormon History Association.
Thomas W. Simpson, a specialist in modern US religious history, is instructor in religion and philosophy at Phillips Exeter Academy.
For more information, call Melissa Fitzpatrick at 909-607-3509.