Mormon Studies Conference 2019: “Millennial Saints: Generational Change in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”

Saturday, April 27, 2019 | 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Stauffer Hall of Learning
925 N. Dartmouth Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

View the Playlist on YouTube
Conference Schedule
9:00 Welcome and Introduction
Patrick Mason, Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies, Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, Claremont Graduate University
9:10 Opening Keynote Lecture
Jana Riess, author of The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church
9:50 Data on Millennials and Religion
Becka Alper, Pew Research Center
10:15 Break
10:30 Millennials and Religion: Comparative Perspectives
Moderator: Roger Cook, Claremont Graduate University
Matthew Loveland, Associate Professor of Sociology and Political Science, Le Moyne College
Aprilfaye Manalang, Assistant Professor of History and Interdisciplinary Studies, Norfolk State University
11:20 Break
11:30 Social Scientific Responses to The Next Mormons
Moderator: Kenneth Adkins, Claremont Graduate University
John Bartkowski, Professor of Sociology, University of Texas at San Antonio
Phil Zuckerman, Professor of Sociology, Pitzer College
Benjamin Knoll, John Marshall Harlan Associate Professor of Politics, Centre College
12:30 Lunch – catered lunch available in the lobby
1:00 Keynote Lecture
David Campbell, Packey J. Dee Professor of American Democracy, University of Notre Dame
1:45 Situating The Next Mormons in Mormon Studies
Armand Mauss, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Religious Studies, Washington State University
2:45 Break
3:00 Millennial Saints Respond
Moderator and Discussion Facilitator: Jana Riess, author of The Next Mormons: How Millennials are Changing the LDS Church
Rosemary Card, CEO and founder of Q.NOOR, author of Model Mormon: Fighting for Self-Worth on the Runway and as an Independent Woman
Phil Ngo, senior software engineer at Open Energy Efficiency
Judy Pham, training executive at Shiseido Cosmetics America
Calvin Burke, history major, Brigham Young University
4:00 Concluding Comments
Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune