“By Study and Faith”: A Virtual Fireside Series
The Howard W. Hunter Foundation and Claremont Mormon Studies Council are please to announce the inauguration of a virtual fireside series, “By Study and Faith,” coming to your home starting September 13 with Richard Bushman. We envision these evenings as a chance for you to have a more personal connection (via the magic of Zoom) with some of the most distinguished Latter-day Saint disciple/scholars who will address the compelling issues of our time, issues affecting the lives of all of us who are trying to navigate a life of faith, hope, and charity in a troubled and often divisive world.
Our first season includes a deeper look into Joseph Smith and his First Vision, the challenge of maintaining Christlike charity in our polarized nation, the role of women in the Church historically and today, and the ways we can look both faithfully and openly at our complicated Church history. These are issues that we all care about and wrestle with, questions that require both study and faith to resolve.
How to Connect to the Zoom Fireside on September 13:
“Art and Vision: An Illustrated Lecture on the First Vision” with Richard Bushman
Click the link below on September 13, 2020 6:30pm PST / 7:30pm MST to access the Zoom Fireside:
Join early … only the first 500 guests will be allowed!

Fall Schedule for “By Study and Faith” Virtual Fireside Series
September 13, 6:30pm PST: Richard Bushman on “Art and Vision: An Illustrated Lecture on the First Vision”
In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the Gospel, Richard Bushman, the pre-eminent scholar of Joseph Smith and the first Chair of Mormon Studies at CGU, will share his insights using the art of the First Vision. Dr. Bushman will help us understand what this Vision meant to Joseph, to the religious world, and most importantly, what it can mean to you and me today. There will be a Q&A following his presentation.
October 18, 6:30pm PST: Thomas Griffith on “Civic Charity and the Constitution”
Latter-day Saints claim a special stewardship for the U.S. Constitution. What does that stewardship look like in a time of political tribalism when the nations’ ‘bonds of affection’ are unraveling? Thomas Griffith, former judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals and former General Counsel for BYU, will address these pressing issues that affect every Latter-day Saint living in America today. His insights will be especially timely as we approach the November Presidential election.
November 8, 6:30pm PST: Neylan McBaine on “Thinking Women: Latter-day Saint Leadership in the National Women’s Movement”
In February 1870, a Utah woman — a Latter-day Saint woman — became the first American woman to vote under and equal suffrage law. Latter-day Saint women continued to play a vital and pioneering role in the national women’s advocacy efforts of the 19th century. Over the past three years, Neylan McBaine, author and co-founder and CEO of Better Days 2020, has been amplifying this story and seeing the power it has to change our perceptions of ourselves as members of the Church today. With never-before heard stories, complex personalities and dynamics, and larger-than-life characters, McBaine will explore a forgotten and surprising era of our communal history.
Looking Ahead
January 2021: “Insights from a Church Historian: Why the Joseph Smith Papers Matter” with Chase Kirkham
February 2021: “Voices from the Past: What We Learn About Faith and History from the Making of Saints“
We look forward to sharing these virtual fireside events with you!