October 3, 2015

Patrick Mason in Wall Street Journal re: New Apostles

Mormon Church Set to Fill Rare Leadership Gap
Wall Street Journal
by Tamara Audi, October 3, 2015

As Mormons from all over the world gathered to hear their highest leaders speak, they also anticipated the selection of three new authorities to fill the vacancies left by the deaths of three Apostles. Some members expected the positions to be filled with members from the developing world where the church has been growing most rapidly. Patrick Mason, Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies and Associate professor of religion at Claremont Graduate University commented, “If the church is serious about being a global church, then the leadership at the very top has to reflect that.” Mason further explained, “If all three of them [the new apostles] are white Americans there will be a pretty significant chunk of the church that will be disappointed in that, frankly, and will see this as a missed opportunity.”
For the full article follow the link below:



