October 31, 2022

Sarah: Navajo and Latter-day Saint

podcast cover episode 8

podcast cover episode 8


“If I were to have a soapbox, that would be one: stop punishing Native youth, especially today, for that cultural loss when it’s something that is bigger than us. To me, it’s tied to, like I said, this historical trauma. . . . We should put our energies into saying, ‘These things happen. Let’s heal, and then let’s teach, and let’s guide.'” — Sarah

This episode features the story of Sarah, a Navajo church member, who has experienced some dislocation from her Navajo culture of origin. She discusses her family’s history with the church and on the reservation and her search for stability in her life.

Farina King joins Caroline to discuss the Sarah’s oral history, along with the church’s Indian Placement Program, the concept of Lamanite identity, and the power of ethnic wards. Farina King is a citizen of the Navajo Nation and an associate professor of Native American Studies at the University of Oklahoma.

Farina King

Farina King image
