Tammi Schneider and Joseph Spencer on “Reading the Old Testament”

February 6th, 2022
This year, Latter-day Saints will be studying the books of the Bible they call the “Old Testament” and scholars call the “Hebrew Bible” in Sunday school. Join Matthew Bowman, Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University for a wide-ranging conversation about these books with two guests. Joseph Spencer is a professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University and an expert in the Book of Mormon, and Tammi Schneider is the Danforth Professor of Religion at Claremont Graduate University, an archaeologist, a specialist in the Hebrew Bible, and active in her synagogue. They discuss how Jewish people read the Hebrew Bible, what scholarship has revealed about it, and what Latter-day Saints might learn as they study it this year.
View this recorded fireside.