April 24, 2010

What Is Mormon Studies? Transdisciplinary Inquiries into an Emerging Field

April 23–24, 2010

Speaker Title
Jan Shipps Keynote Address
Loyd Ericson “Where is the Mormon in Mormon Studies? Subject, Method, Object”
Cheryl L. Bruno “Mormon History from the Kitchen Window: White is the Field in Essentialist Feminism”
Blair Van Dyke “How Wide the Divide? The Absence of Conversation between Mormon Studies and Mormon Mainstream”
Christopher C. Smith “What Hath Oxford to do with Salt Lake?”
Adam S. Miller “A Manifesto for Mormon Theology”
Jacob Rennaker “Through a Glass, Darkly? Biblical Studies, Mormon Studies, Parallels, and Problems”
Greg Kofford “Publishing Mormon Studies: Inside Looking Out”
Scholars’ Panel
Claudia Bushman Claremont Graduate University
Brian Birch Utah Valley University
J. Spencer Fluhman Brigham Young University
Armand L. Mauss Claremont Graduate University
Concluding Remarks
Richard L. Bushman Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies, Claremont Graduate University
