February 5, 2011

2011 Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Agency in the Lives of Mormon Women — 2-5-2011


Jointly sponsored by the Singer Foundation and the LDS Mormon Studies Council, the conference, Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Agency in the Lives of Mormon Women, explored the choices, insights, and agency of Mormon women.

Claudia L. Bushman, Columbia University, introduced the themes of the conference. The keynote speakers included Aileen Clyde, former 2nd counselor in the Latter-day Saint General Relief Society Presidency, and Emily Clyde Curtis, her granddaughter and co-editor of the Exponent II magazine. Other speakers addressed theories of agency and subjectivity in the lives of women as well as themes found in Claremont Graduate University’s Mormon Women’s Oral History Project.

Conference Schedule

Speaker Title
Claudia Bushman Introduction and Welcome
Aileen Clyde & Emily Clyde Curtis “Running With It”
Amy Hoyt “Agency and the American LDS Woman”
Deidre Green “Naming the Self, World, and God: LDS Women’s Narratives”
Caroline Kline “Competing Demands and Divided Loyalty: Navigating Self and Other in a Mormon Context”
Elisa Pulido “I Hope They Call Me On a Mission: Mormon Women and the Great Expectation”
