Toll Hall is the oldest residence hall of Scripps College and features lovely common spaces.
Accommodations at Scripps College will cost $580 total ($58 per night). These costs will be automatically deducted from the stipend.
For those participants who prefer hotel accommodations, the DoubleTree Hotel in Claremont is one mile away from Claremont Graduate University. Room rates start at about $180 per night. Participants will be responsible for arranging their own accommodations there, and will need to let the institute manager know as soon as possible that they will not need housing at Scripps College. Participants will also be responsible for their own transportation to and from CGU every day.

Institute Location
During the residential portion of the institute, participants will meet daily at McManus conference room on the campus of CGU. View a map of the campus.
Several meals will be taken at the Scripps College dining hall known as the Malott Commons (usually breakfast and lunch). Note that there are few other dining options within close walking distance of CGU.

Academic Resources
Institute participants will have access to the Claremont Colleges Library, including Special Collections which houses the Gomez Collection on Mexican Mormon History.
The closest airport to Claremont Graduate University is Ontario International Airport (ten miles away). Los Angeles Airport – LAX is another option (50 miles away).
The National Endowment for the Humanities: Mormonism and Mexico: A Case Study in Religion and Borderlands
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