January 9, 2015
Patrick Mason on Reddit
December 4, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: RadioWest KUER “The LDS Church and Joseph Smith’s Polygamy”
October 27, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: AirTalk “Mormon Church Discloses Joseph Smith’s Polygamy”
October 25, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: Deseret News, Polygamy Essays
October 22, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: The Atlantic, Mormon Underwear Revealed
October 12, 2014
Sheri Dew Lecture: Women and the Priesthood
October 9, 2014
Patrick Mason on Podcast: A Thoughtful Faith
September 19, 2014
Adam Miller: Early Onset Postmortality and Book of Mormon Historicity
August 27, 2014
Patrick Mason in the News: WBEZ “Mormon Feminists Find Grounds for Hope, Fear…”
August 22, 2014