CGU’s Mormon Studies Program seeks to annually fund an oral history project in a global location. Funding might cover travel, housing, transcription, and translation while a scholar or community member conducts 20-50 oral histories in a particular location.
These audio recordings, transcriptions, and translations will be housed at Special Collections of the Claremont Colleges Libraries. The Global Mormon Oral History Project is available to assist recipients of this funding with suggestions for Agreements to Participate, interview questions, and transcription guidelines.

Contact Us
If you would like to propose an oral history project in a global location, please email answering the following questions:
- 1. Describe your oral history project. What questions are you particularly interested in exploring? What location? What is your timeframe?
- 2. What are your anticipated expenses?
- 3. How many oral histories do you intend to gather? What language will they be in?
- 4. How many minutes or hours do you anticipate interviews being on average?
- 5. Please attach a list of anticipated interview questions