A podcast exploring themes in the life stories of global Latter-day Saints
Half storytelling, half conversation, This Global Latter-day Life features the perspectives and life stories of Latter-day Saints from Botswana, Mexico, the Caribbean, and other countries around the world. Based on oral histories from CGU’s Mormon collections, each episode tackles issues like race, culture, gender, and identity. We’ll be joined by scholars and other community members who offer insights and explore questions that arise along the way.

Caroline Kline is the host and writer of This Global Latter-day Life. She earned her PhD in religion at Claremont Graduate University and is the Assistant Director of the Center for Global Mormon Studies at CGU. Her book, Mormon Women at the Crossroads: Global Narratives and the Power of Connectedness, is based on the dozens of oral histories she collected in Mexico, Botswana, and the United States.

Shiloh Logan is the primary audio editor of this podcast. He is a PhD student in religion at Claremont Graduate University.